
[走遍美国] 走遍美国:第29集 Smell the Flowers ACT II

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Hi, Michelle. 嗨,Michelle。
Hello, Harry. 你好,Harry。
It's nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你们。
Hello. 你好。
Hi, Susan. 嗨,Susan。
We have both been excited about seeing you 我们两个很高兴见到你
and having lunch with you today. 与我们一起吃午餐。
Michelle picked these flowers out for you. Michelle选这些花送给你。
Daddy, can we go soon? 爸爸,我们能快点走吗?
We're going to go to lunch in a few minutes, honey. 我们一会就去吃午餐,亲爱的。
But I'm thirsty. 可是我渴了。
OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain. 好。出去在饮水机那儿喝点水吧。
The fountain is over there, Michelle. 饮水机在那儿,Michelle。
Near the Exit sign. 就在出口附近。
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Michelle is a little shy. Michelle有点不好意思。
I used to be that way when I was her age. 我像她这般年纪也是这样。
Harry, if Michelle doesn't want to go, Harry,如果Michelle不想去,
we don't have to. 我们不必勉强。
She'll be fine. 她没有问题。
Remember, 别忘了,
I haven't dated any one else since her mother died. 自从她母亲去世之后,我从没有和别人约会过。
This is a little difficult for her. 这对她来说有点不习惯。
Are you ready to go? 准备好动身吗?
Yes. But could you wait one minute? 是的。不过你能等一下吗?
I have a call to make. 我需要打个电话。
Would you excuse me? 失陪一下。
Sam, get Mr. Levine at Toytown Stores Sam,给Toytown Stores的Levine先生
on the telephone for me, please. 请替我拨电话。
Right. 好的。
Hello. Susan Stewart calling Mr. Levine, please. 喂,Susan Stewart想与Levine先生通话。
He's on the phone. 他在电话上。
Mr. Levine, Susan Stewart. Levine先生,我是Susan Stewart。
I find myself in an embarrassing situation. 我现在有一件很为难的事。
I made another lunch date for today 我和别人约好共进午餐
and forgot to enter it in my appointment book. 但忘了写到工作日程。
Can you and I meet for drinks tomorrow? 你和我能否在明天见面吗?
I'd really appreciate it.... Yes.... Thank you.... 我非常感激……好的……谢谢你……
Tomorrow at five o'clock at the Biltmore. 明天五点钟在Biltmore饭店。
I'll see you then. 到时候见啦。
Thank you, Mr. Levine. 谢谢你,Levine先生。
Welcome to the South Street restaurant, folks. 欢迎光临南街餐馆,各位。
What'll it be? 想来点什么?
What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?
Well, the crab salad's always a big hit. 嗯,蟹肉色拉一向是很受欢迎的。
Susan, would you like the crab salad? Susan,要不要蟹肉色拉?
I'd love the crab salad. 我要蟹肉色拉。
Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too? Michelle,要不要也试试蟹肉色拉?
OK, Daddy. 好的,爸爸。
We'll have three crab salads 我们来三份蟹肉色拉。
and a pitcher of lemonade. 和一壶柠檬汁。
Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables. 请你们自己盛芹菜,胡萝和其他蔬菜。
We used to catch crabs. 我们以前常捉螃蟹。
Where was that? 在什么地方?
We had a summer house on Fire Island. 我们在火岛有一所避暑房屋。
Do you remember, Michelle? 你还记得吗,Michelle?
Sure. 当然记得。
You and Mommy used to take me on the ferryboat. 你和妈妈常带我坐渡船。
Sometimes, at night, 有时候,在夜里,
we would go down to the beach and catch crabs, 我们走到海边抓螃蟹,
remember? 记得吗?
With a piece of meat on a string! 用一根绳子拴着一点肉。
Right. 对。
Well, I think I'm going to go get us all some vegetables. 好啦,我想我去给大家盛点蔬菜来。
There you go. 东西来了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
And some ice-cold lemonade. 还有冰凉的柠檬汁。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Enjoy it. 请享用。
Michelle, can I help you with the lemonade? Michelle,我帮你倒点柠檬汁,好吗?
No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。
I'll wait for my father. 我要等我爸爸。
Michelle, can we have a talk? Michelle 我们能谈一谈吗?
Sure. 当然。
I know you miss your mother. 我知道你想念你妈妈。
You do? 真的知道?
Yes. And I'm not trying to take her place. 是的,我并不想取代她。
Then why are you and Daddy 那为什么你和爸爸
spending so much time together? 老是在一起呢?
Because we like each other. 因为我们彼此喜欢。
And right now, he needs a friend. 而且现在,他需要一个朋友。
I'm his friend. 我是他的朋友。
I know you are. 我知道你是。
Sometimes he's very sad. 他有时很忧郁。
And so are you, I think. 我想你也是如此。
Sometimes. 有时候。
I'd like to be your friend, too. 我也想成为你的朋友。
Will you let me be your friend, Michelle? 愿意让我成为你的朋友吗,Michelle?
So, what were you two talking about? 你们俩刚才谈什么了?
Just girl talk, Daddy. 只是女孩子之间的谈话,爸爸。
It's too hard to explain. 这很难解释清楚。
You're probably right. 也许你们说得对。
Well, let's get started. 好吧,我们开始吃吧。
Michelle is a little shy.
I used to be that way when I was her age.
I used to be that way when I was her age.
We had a summer house on Fire Island.
Do you remember, Michelle?
Sure, you and mommy used to take me on a ferry boat.
Sure, you and mommy used to take me on a ferry boat.
We used to catch crabs.
We used to catch crabs.
Sometimes at night
we would go down to the beach and catch crabs.
You know, Michelle, when I was your age,
I used to do a lot of fun-things.
I did too.
I used to play the piano.
Mom would give me lessons on Tuesdays after school.
And I used to play the violin.
I would take lessons every Thursday afternoon.
I used to have long hair like you, Michelle.
But I don't now.
I used to go fishing.
Every summer I would get out my fishing pole
and try to catch a big one.
Oh Harry, you used to be so handsome.
I used to be so handsome?
You still are, of course.
Um, thank you.

recommend        [.rekə'mend]       
vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

violin        [.vaiə'lin]       
n. 小提琴

appreciate        [ə'pri:ʃieit]       
vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

thirsty        ['θə:sti]       
adj. 口渴的,渴望的

haven        ['heivn]       
n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
minutes        ['minits]       
n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

string        [striŋ]       
n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

pole        [pəul]       
n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

crab        [kræb]       
n. 蟹
v. 捕蟹,使横行

fountain        ['fauntin]       
n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水

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