
[走遍美国] 走遍美国:第26集 It's Up to You ACT II

发表于 2023-11-25 01:27:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, 对不起,Robbie。今天早上迟了点,
but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee. 不过,我们还有喝杯咖啡的时间。
I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer. 我真想早点见到老友Charley Rafer。
Neither can I. 我也一样。
So you thought about it, huh? 你考虑过了吗?
Yes, I have, Dad. 是的,我考虑了,爸爸。
Well, I'm glad. 那好,我很高兴。
I knew you'd realize 我知道你会认识到
that this interview could be an important experience for you. 这次面谈是一次很难得的经验。
I came to that conclusion. 我的结论也是这样。
That's very wise, Robbie. 这是很明智的,Robbie。
Very wise. 非常明智。
Now let's head off for the city and the university club. 现在我们进城去,到大学俱乐部。
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。
Thanks ... for what? 谢什么?
Thanks for hearing me out. And ... 谢谢你听我的意见。而且……
And ...? 而且……?
And thanks for being such an understanding father. 而且谢谢你是这样一位善于了解我的父亲。
Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you. 嗯,谢谢你,Robbie。 谢谢你。
Philip Stewart! Philip Stewart !
It's great to see you! 真高兴见到你!
Charley Rafer--you look as young as ever. Charley Rafer ---你看起来就跟以前一样年轻。
You must be Robbie. 你就是Robbie吧。
Hi. 你好。
Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie. 是的,这是我的小儿子Robbie。
Robbie, I want you to meet Robbie,我要你见见
one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team-- 当年Michigan球队最好的网球选手之一--
Charley Rafer. Charley Rafer。
Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer. 很高兴见到你,Rafer主任。
Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad? 嗯,你是否像爸爸那样是一名优秀的网球选手呢?
No, I'm not very good at it. 不,我网球不行。
Frankly, neither was I. 坦白的说,我当年也不行。
Charley was the star of the team. Charley是当时队里的明星。
Yeah. Thanks. 凑数的,谢谢你。
Well, how're you been, Philip? 嗯,这些年来怎么样,Philip?
Oh, working too hard. 噢,工作太累人了。
Doesn't show. 倒是看不出来。
How's Ellen? Ellen怎么样?
Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。
And how's Marge? Marge怎么样?
She's still giving the toughest English history exams 她仍用最难的英语史试题考学生
in the school and loving every minute of it. 在学校乐此不倦。
And speaking of minutes, 谈到时间,
I have interviews until noon, 我从现在到中午有一系列的面谈,
so why don't we get right to work? 我们现在就开始工作,好吗?
Can you have lunch with us later? 晚些时候,你能与我们一起共进午餐吗?
I'd love to, Philip, but I'm afraid I can't. 我很想,Philip,但是我恐怕不行。
I'm only here two days, 我只有两天时间,
and I have interviews with twenty-six applicants. 而要面谈的申请人有二十六位。
I understand. 我能了解。
Well, thanks. 噢,谢了。
I'll wait outside. 我到外面等。
Good luck, Son. 祝你好运,孩子。
Did you bring your transcript from high school? 你把高中的成绩单带来了吗?
Yes, sir. 带来了,先生。
Right here. 在这儿。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Please sit down. 请坐下。
I see under "activities" that 我注意到在“活动”项目中提到
you've been writing for the school paper. 你为校刊写文章。
Yes, sir. 是的,先生。
What kinds of articles have you written? 你写过一些什么样的文章?
All kinds--sports, editorials, theater reviews. 各种各样的---体育,社论,剧评。
You name it, I've written it. 你说得出的,我都写过。
Hmmm. 嗯。
Well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? 那好,你是否想过成为一名新闻记者?
A professional writer? 职业写作人员?
Not until recently. 最近才考虑到。
Michigan has a fine School of Journalism. Michigan大学有一个很好的新闻学院。
Yes, I know that. 是的,我知道。
You seem to have some reservations. 看起来你还有些犹豫。
I'm a little uncertain. 我有点犹豫不决。
It's been very nice talking to you. 很高兴与你交谈。
Nice talking to you, sir. 我也很高兴与您交谈,先生。
One piece of advice. 给你一句忠告。
The most important thing is for you to decide your own future. 最重要的是你要自己决定自己的未来。
Yes, sir. 是的,先生。
Good-bye, Dean Rafer. 再见,Rafer主任。
Good-bye, Robbie. Good luck. 再见,Robbie,祝你好运。
The most important thing is for you to decide your own future.
I have to decide. It's my future.
It's up to me.
Where do I want to go to school?
What do I want to study?
Dad and Grandpa went to the University of Michigan.
It's one of the best schools in the country.
I mean I studied medicine there.
Your grandfather went to the engineering school there.
But I may not want to go to the University of Michigan.
Maybe I don't want to study medicine or engineering.
Maybe I want to study journalism.
I like to write.
I've written a lot of articles.
What kind of articles have you written?
All kinds--sports, um, editorials, theater reviews.
You name it, I've written it.
Maybe I do want to study journalism.
I'll become a journalist.
I could write for the New York Times.
Robert Stewart--writer.
Ya, I could study journalism.
I'd take a course in writing,
German and history and literature and, well,
skip mathematics.
I hate math ...
But I might take music.
Wait a second,
I don't just like journalism.
I like lots of subjects.
And if I study liberal arts,
I can take courses in a variety of subjects.
Ya, I don't have to decide on my major in the first year.
I think I want to become a writer.
But I have time to decide.
Maybe you should think about becoming a writer.
Maybe I should.
You have lots of time to decide.
I do have time to decide.
And it's up to me.

conclusion        [kən'klu:ʒən]       
n. 结论

variety        [və'raiəti]       
n. 多样,种类,杂耍

uncertain        [ʌn'sə:tn]       
adj. 不确定的

understand        [.ʌndə'stænd]       
vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

professional        [prə'feʃənl]       
adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

minutes        ['minits]       
n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

liberal        ['libərəl]       
adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自

skip        [skip]       
v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

interview        ['intəvju:]       
n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈

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