
[走遍美国] 走遍美国:第64集 职业选择 Career Choices ACT I

发表于 2023-11-28 13:22:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


"Rock-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, “摇呀摇,小宝宝,在树顶,
When the wind blows, 风儿轻轻吹,
The cradle will rock. 摇篮跟着晃。
When the bough breaks, 树枝若折断,
The cradle will fall, 摇篮会掉落,
And down will come baby, 宝宝跌下来,
Cradle and all." 摇篮一道摔。”
Hi, Marilyn, 嗨,Marilyn。
What are you doing? 你在做什么?
Just sketching. 只是画些草图。
I've been thinking a lot about our responsibilities 我对于我们的职责想了很久
in the past few weeks. 在最近几个星期。
I never stop thinking about them. 我一直在思考这些问题从未间断。
I've been wrestling 我一直左思右想
with the question of whether I go back to work or not. 为我是否回去工作这个问题。
I see. 这一下我明白了。
And I'm torn. 但我不知如何取舍。
I really want to go back to work, 我真的想回去工作,
use my talents, 发挥我的才智,
and pursue my career in fashion design 追求我在时装设计方面的事情
like we always thought I would. 就像我们一向认定的那样。
But now ... 但是现在……
I want to be with Max as a full-time mother, 我又想和Max在一起做个全职的母亲,
especially when he's a baby. 特别是当他还是个婴儿的时候。
I really understand, Marilyn. 我真的能理解,Marilyn。
But you never have to worry about Max. 但你根本不用担心Max。
There's Mother and Grandpa ... 有妈妈和祖父呢……
and I can always arrange my photo schedule 而且我也能随时安排我的摄影工作
around your schedule, 配合你的时间表,
if that will help. 假如那样有所帮助的话。
It's not the same, Richard. 那是不一样的,Richard。
Have you discussed going back to work with your boss? 你已跟你的老板讨论过回去工作的事?
Rita Mae called yesterday. Rita Mae昨天打电话来了。
Ah! That's what's got you thinking, isn't it? 噢,就是那通电话使你开始思量起来的,是吗?
She wants to know 她想知道
when I think I'll be returning to the boutique. 我打算什么时候回去时装店工作。
And you said ... ? 那你怎么说的……?
I said I'd give her an answer in a few days ... 我说这几天给她回答……
that I wasn't sure. 我说我不能确定。
I'm sure Rita Mae will understand 我相信Rita Mae会理解
and wait until you're ready to go back to work. 而且会等你准备好了才回去工作。
Well, maybe she will, and maybe she won't. 嗯,也许她会,也许她不会。
Who knows? 谁知道?
If I don't accept her offer, 假如我不接受她这个工作机会,
maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, 她也许会在这段时间找别的人,
and when I'm ready to go back, 而当我准备好要回去,
there won't be a job for me. 已经没有空缺了。
That's something to consider. 这是需要考虑的一点。
You've got yourself to think about, too. 你也得为自己着想。
But I am thinking about myself. 但我就是在为自己着想呀。
Don't you see? 你不知道吗?
What do you mean? 是什么意思?
It's not just the job. 不只是那项工作而已。
It's also my career as Max's mother. 当Max的母亲也是我的职业。
That's the way I look at it. 我就是这么看这件事的。
I have two career opportunities at the same time. 我同时有两个事业机会。
My career as a fashion designer 时装设计事业
and my career as a mother. 和担任Max母亲的事业。
I never really thought about being a mother as a career. 我真的从来没有想到做母亲还是一种事业。
I guess you do have two career opportunities 我想你的确是有两个事业机会
and a decision to make. 而且必须做一个抉择。
I hear Max. 我听到Max哭了。
I'll go to him. 我去。
No, that's OK. 不,没关系。
I'll do it. 我去。

I've been wrestling with the question of
whether I go back to work or not.
I'm wrestling with the question.
I can't make up my mind.
I'm in a fog. I'm up in the air.
I'm really in a bind.
I can't make my mind up.
I feel I'm split in two.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
I want to try something new.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
And I'm torn.
I really want to go back to work.
I'm really torn.
I'm all mixed up.
My future is unclear.
I'm pulled in two directions.
I'm practically in tears.
I'm of two minds about it.
I've got to think it all through.
I've got to find an answer,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to get my act together.
I've got to get it all figured out.
I've got to get on the right track,
get rid of all the doubt.
I've got to straighten everything out.
And you know it's true,
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I've got to sort it out, think it out, work it out,
'cause I don't know ...

adj. 不清楚的;不易了解的

track        [træk]       
n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

straighten        ['streitn]       
v. 弄直,使正确,整顿,挺直

arrange        [ə'reindʒ]       
vt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲)

split        [split]       
n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

understand        [.ʌndə'stænd]       
vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

designer        [di'zainə]       
n. 设计者

pursue        [pə'sju:]       
v. 追捕,追求,继续从事

decision        [di'siʒən]       
n. 决定,决策

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