

发表于 2023-11-3 00:39:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  下面的总结分为 4 大类:
  基础替换词:比如 since, as, due to
  从句和句型:比如 which leads to, with 结构等
  表达的转述:比如 be responsible for
  不完全替换:比如 by dint of
  其中重点推荐第 2 种和第 3 种方式,希望你看完之后会觉得非常实用,以至于下次写到 because 的时候觉得不替换都不舒服。
  Group 1
  ..., which leads to ...
  with ..., ...
  The reason why ... is that ...
  This is because ...
  The main/ primary reason is that ... .
  That is why ... .
  It is only because ... that ...
  with 结构除了表示“随着”,也可以表达“因为”。后面记得不接常规完整句子,而是名词,或者一些分词的形式。
  The reason why 后面接结果,is that 后面加原因,都是写完整的句子。
  It is only because we have become used to these extraordinarily fragile structuresthat this demand seems so outrageous.
  That is why this year is likely to be just the beginning of many discussions like the one at the Munich security conference.
  I couldnt sleep with the noise of the traffic.
  Group 2
  ..., leading to ...
  ..., thus doing ...
  ..., thereby doing ...
  leading to 这个可以用任何其他表示"导致"的词汇去替换。
  后两个句子种的 doing,要根据句子本身表达的内容去写对应的动词。thereby 单独用的时候,一般在句中,做一个普通的副词。
  Unions often rely on volunteers to administrate, thereby keeping costs at a minimum.
  This is due to ignorant motorists who fail to stop and thereby put the lives of her and the children at risk.
  A second object was described to be identical to the one seen by the second mission,leading to the same conclusion as to its risk.
  Group 3
  be a contributing factor
  be a factor contributing to
  be a contributory cause of
  be contributing to
  be a major contributor to
  attribute ... to ...
  ... be attributed to
  ... be attributable to
  contributeattribute 某种程度来讲是一对反义词。前者是 A 促成了 B,后者是把 B 归因于 A。所以后者更多用被动来表达。
  Supermarkets are the main contributors to this mountain of food.
  Human error may have been a contributing factor.
  Smoking may be a contributory cause of the disease.
  Juvenile delinquency can be attributed to parental permissiveness.
  The health problems are attributable to a poor diet and lack of exercise.
  Group 4
  ..., not least because ...
  ..., in large part because
  ..., if for no other (better) reason than
  ..., because at least...
  ..., if only because
  第 1、2 个表达强调后面的原因是最重要的。后面 3 个都表达这个原因是相对次要的。
  Despite well-intentioned policies and laws, the situation on the ground is often quite different, in large part because of the difficulty of enforcement, both within and across borders.
  It is essential, if for no other reason than for a unity in teaching, that each member of the school community adopts a common outlook on life
  Monotony is a big problem for the moralist because at least half of human's bad habits result from his fear of it.
  We are confident if only because we are making progress.
  Group 5
  ... so ... that ...
  So ... that ...
  Such ... that ...
  ... enough ... that ...
  这几个词组都是围绕常规的“如此...以至于...”句型的一些变形。so 后面加形容词,such 后面加名词,他们两个放句首,需要倒装。
  这个表达在因果关系种不是特别常见,因为不是每次的原因都可以变到 so/ such 后面去。
  So scarce is the food that many people suffer from starvation.
  Such is the moment that all greats traverse.
  Another excellent way to eliminate error messages is to make the application smartenough that it no longer needs to make unnecessary demands.

fragile        ['frædʒail]       
adj. 易碎的,脆的,精细的

conclusion        [kən'klu:ʒən]       
n. 结论

factor        ['fæktə]       
n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

thereby        ['ðɛə'bai]       
adv. 因此,从而

conference        ['kɔnfərəns]       
n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

attribute        [ə'tribju:t,'ætribju:t]       
vt. 把 ... 归于
n. 属性,特征,标

essential        [i'senʃəl]       
n. 要素,要点
adj. 必要的,重要的,本

starvation        [stɑ:'veiʃən]       
n. 饿死,饥饿

application        [.æpli'keiʃən]       
n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

confident        ['kɔnfidənt]       
adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的

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